Free multisport program helps more kids develop physical literacy

Free multisport program helps more kids develop physical literacy

A new free multisport program in Nova Scotia is helping more Cape Breton Island children develop physical literacy while learning how to play various sports. Capers in the Community launched this summer and is being offered at no cost in towns throughout the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). The four-day camp gives children ages five to … Continued

Multi-sport school festivals vs. single-sport tournaments

Multi-sport school festivals vs. single-sport tournaments

As educators, it’s important to ensure children are introduced to physical literacy. Providing a variety of movement opportunities in as many different environments as possible inspires children to be active now and hopefully for life. In February, staff at École élémentaire publique Jeanne-Sauvé in Orleans, Ont. along with P.E. teachers from three other schools in … Continued

Multi-sport activity benefits kids: spread the word

Multi-sport activity benefits kids: spread the word

The multi-sport approach exposes kids to a variety of sports and physical activities, avoiding premature specialization. Help spread the message by sharing these images on your social media, website, or blog. You may also want to download and print our multisport poster for display. For more on the benefits to young athletes of playing multiple … Continued

The multi-sport advantage

The multi-sport advantage

Experts agree that physical literacy is the foundation for achievement in sport. It’s also essential for supporting active, healthy lifestyles. When kids are young, the multi-sport approach is the best for developing their physical literacy. Multi-sport means encouraging kids to do a wide variety of physical activities and sports prior to their teen years. Even … Continued