Active for Life podcast: Dr. Mariana Brussoni on the value of risky play
Risky play can be an intimidating concept for parents and caregivers to try to implement with their children. How much risk is too much? How can play remain safe? Dr. Mariana Brussoni recognizes the dilemma. In fact, she’s an expert on the subject. Her research focuses on caregivers’ perceptions of risk and safety when it … Continued
Why children need risk, fear, and excitement in play—and why adults’ fears put them at risk
Child-development expert Mariana Brussoni shares why adventurous, risky play is so important for kids—especially today.
The 17-second rule & the importance of risky play
Learn why risky play is so important for kids and try this useful tip to keep yourself from jumping in to intervene (we know it’s hard!).
How to handle risky play when your child’s friends aren’t allowed
Just because we allow our children to engage in risky play doesn’t mean the parents of our kids’ friends will feel the same way.
How my son’s broken arm taught me the value of risk-taking
I understand the value of risky and adventurous play. On the other hand, I’ve also seen it not turn out so well—with my own child.
Parachute’s 2021 campaign encourages safe adventurous outdoor play
Parachute’s Safe Kids Week runs from May 30 to June 5 this year, and the theme is #PlaySafeOutdoors. Here’s how to take part.
5 tips for allowing your child out of your sight outdoors
As a parent, it can be scary to let your child play out of your sight. But when done wisely, it has great benefits for kids.
Get active in your neighbourhood with Explore Your 2.4
The Explore Your 2.4 program encourages children to get outdoors, explore their neighbourhoods, and spend more time in independent play.
What to do when you and your partner disagree about risky play
I’m a risk-taker, while my husband is much more risk-averse. The lifeguard approach to risky play can help reduce conflict between you and your partner.
Infographic: Be a “lifeguard parent”
Here’s how parents can know when to intervene in their children’s risky play, and how to help facilitate acceptable risk.
Documentary examines children’s independent mobility
Highlighting the scale of the decline in children’s mobility, researcher Negin Riazi points to a study conducted in England that showed a staggering drop in the number of children ages seven to eight who walked to school independently, from 80 percent in 1971 to just nine percent in 1990. According to Riazi, this scale of … Continued
Be a lifeguard to your child’s “risky” play
Risky play is necessary for healthy child development. Here’s some advice for how how parents can assess risk in their children’s play.
6 ways kids should engage in “risky” play
Your child gets ready to jump from the monkey bars and you get ready for a trip to the hospital. Is this a reasonable reaction? Unless there’s a pit of poisonous serpents or a bed of nails below, probably not. As Dr. Mariana Brussoni of the University of British Columbia points out, statistics show that … Continued
How to create a “risky play” backyard playground
Use your backyard, and imagination, to explore
“As safe as necessary”: a new way of looking at risk
8 tips on how to let your kids take more risks
Playground zen, or how I learned to keep worrying but let my kid fall
Stay in the moment and trust your children to take a chance