Physical development 101: A guide to gross and fine motor skills in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
Learn about your young child’s physical development and try these creative activities to help them develop motor skills.

Who is responsible for making sure my child is physically literate?
What is physical literacy, and who in my child’s life helps ensure that they gain these skills and love of movement? Learn more.

A free professional development opportunity for early childhood educators in Canada
ActivePlay in childcare is a new, free program designed to support the ECEs tasked with educating our children.

When should your toddler start running?
It’s very clear our toddler wants to run (and jump and swing and slide), but we started to wonder: when should she start running?

Best physical activities for kids at every age
Kids need plenty of active play to develop gross motor skills in their early years. Check out this list of activities that kids can do at each stage of life.

The ABCs of physical literacy
The ABCs of physical literacy refer to four basic capacities that are essential to developing fundamental movement skills.

How grandparents can share physical literacy with grandkids
Grandparents who babysit or take care of their grandkids have a great opportunity to play together and boost physical literacy.

7 great types of martial arts for kids to try
Looking for a sport that will channel your child’s energy while teaching them about discipline and respect? Martial arts are a great option.

Revisiting the discussion: Teaching kids to sprint correctly
Here’s some advice for parents who have questions and concerns about their kids’ running, from their form to their enjoyment.

If we want children to learn, we need to let them move
Movement enhances kids’ learning. Find out more about how active play and physical activity can help boost their brain power!

Yoga books for kids that will make moving fun
Yoga books encourage mental and physical literacy—plus, kids can learn common yoga poses in easy-to-understand language.

5 ways dance can inspire and support kids in all areas of life
Dance has so many benefits for kids. It can help them develop new skills, get physically active, explore a creative art form, and more.

20 pucks, 960 smiles: How coaches can make practices more fun
For coaches, when it comes to helping young kids love sport and movement, the secret is making playing and practicing fun.

Kids’ movement skills are declining. Here’s how we can help them catch up
It’s never too late to improve our children’s movement skills. Check out these tips for how to keep them active.

How to get your kids to spend more time moving with a simple recipe called physical literacy
In today’s world, kids have all kinds of nudges not to move. With this simple recipe, we can help them develop a love of physical activity.

The recipe to get kids moving—for life
Using this simple recipe, here’s how you can encourage physical literacy and a love of movement in your children.

The sure-bet recipe to raise kids who love (and will want) to get active
When you “blend” these three ingredients, they become a “super-smoothie” that kids can’t resist. The recipe is called physical literacy.

The one simple secret to help your child become more confident
When your child says they’re just “not good” at something, encourage them to keep trying and become more confident with this advice.

What are fundamental movement skills?
In discussions of physical literacy, you’ll often hear talk of “fundamental movement skills.” What exactly are they?

Equine therapy: Not just horsing around
Equine-assisted therapy has a host of benefits for kids with physical or cognitive disabilities or developmental delays.

Why Canada needs more inclusive playgrounds
Playgrounds should be fun, welcoming, accessible spaces for all kids. Here’s a look at how to make them more inclusive.

Benefits of active play are more than just physical
As an elementary teacher, here are three ways I see physical education, extracurricular activities, and outdoor play have a positive impact on my students.

12 toys to get babies, toddlers, and preschoolers moving this summer
These toys offer many great options for encouraging young children’s sensory play and brain development—and they’ll help promote physical literacy.

How to get your kids to love being active
When kids have learned to love physical activity, it means that they’ve developed their own internal, intrinsic motivation to move.