Get back to nature at Fiddlehead Care Farm
Situated in beautiful Dufferin County, one hour north of Toronto, is a special kind of farm and outdoor space for children and families. Unlike a traditional working farm, Fiddlehead Care Farm follows a UK-based model that supports individuals with developmental, physical, emotional and behavioural needs in a therapeutic, farming environment. However, any visitor to the farm is sure to leave with their daily dose of vitamin N: nature!
My visit to Fiddlehead Care Farm included two hours of uninterrupted time outdoors. The calming farm landscape, accessible nature trail, and close animal interactions helped me feel connected to nature rather than next to nature.
Fiddlehead Care Farm
426059 25th Sideroad
Mono, ON
L9V 1E2
Facebook: GrowWithFCF
Twitter: @GrowWithFCF
Instagram: @growwithfcf
I also got to meet with the team at Fiddlehead, including an adorable Vietnamese pot-bellied mini pig named Luna.
Breanne Mathers, a therapist first and a farmer second, told me that continuous inspiration for Fiddlehead Care Farm comes from Richard Louv’s book Last Child in the Woods. The entire property delivers a total sensory experience, regardless of age or ability.
Activities and experiences at Fiddlehead include, but are not limited to, gardening, hiking, building, harvesting, meditating, crafting and socializing.
See for yourself, in the following photos, how a farm can make you feel.