Balloon Juggling
This activity develops hand-eye coordination, gross motor control, and the ability to track moving objects in the air. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve striking or catching an object in the air (e.g., balls, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons).

Animal Friends
This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to imitate the movements of different animals.

Balance Poses
This activity develops coordination and balance.

Ball Hockey for Toddlers
This activity develops hand-eye coordination and timing while using a hockey stick (i.e., striking tool). These skills also transfer to striking with a bat or racquet.

Bear Crawl
This activity develops coordination, balance, and strength as kids try to imitate the movements of a bear.

Bounce and Catch
This activity develops hand-eye coordination, as well as fine motor control of the hands and fingers.

Bucket Toss Golf
This activity develops coordination of arms and torso, fine motor control, and the ability to “read” distances. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve throwing an object accurately over a perceived distance (e.g., balls, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons).

Bowling Milk Cartons
his activity develops coordination of arms and torso, fine motor control, and the ability to “read” distances. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve throwing an object accurately over a perceived distance (e.g., balls, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons).

Cardboard Javelin
This activity develops coordination of arms and torso, fine motor control, and the ability to “read” distances. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve throwing an object accurately over a perceived distance (e.g., balls, javelins, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons).

Follow the Leader
This activity develops leg coordination, dynamic balance, and speed. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and speed (e.g., soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, racquet sports, martial arts, dance).

Float the pond
This activity develops coordination and balance as kids have to constantly bend and balance on one foot.

Growing Flowers
This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to imagine and imitate the movement of a flower as it grows and blossoms.

Galloping Horse
This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.

Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes
This activity develops coordination of legs, arms and torso, plus dynamic balance. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and coordination for lifting and lowering objects (e.g., weightlifting as a sport, and all daily lifting activities in general, plus combative sports such as wrestling and judo).

Hockey Shooting
This activity develops hand-eye coordination and timing while using a hockey stick (i.e., striking tool). These skills also transfer to striking with a bat or racquet.

This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.

Jump Rope Simplified
This activity develops rhythm, timing, and spatial perception.

Kangaroo Hopping
This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.

Kick Side Foot
This activity develops leg coordination, strength and fine motor control in the lower body. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve kicking an object (e.g., soccer, football, martial arts).

Mirror Mirror
This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to imitate the movements of their parent or play partner.

Monkey Bar Challenge
This activity develops coordination of legs, arms and torso, plus dynamic balance and body proprioception. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and proprioception (e.g., gymnastics, aerial diving, martial arts, dance, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball).

Picking Up Things
This activity develops coordination of legs, arms and torso, plus dynamic balance. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and coordination for lifting and lowering objects (e.g., weightlifting as a sport, and all daily lifting activities in general, plus combative sports such as wrestling and judo).

River Bank
This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, mental focus, and reaction time required at older ages for a variety of sports and activities.

Rolling Down A Hill
This activity develops body proprioception and balance as kids roll because they learn how to differentiate up from down even when it keeps changing.