#ProjectActiveFamily: We’ve got mail (from you)
#ProjectActiveFamily on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is up and running, which means the feedback is really starting to pour in. Here’s what I’ve figured out so far about what you want from our mini-community, based on your initial comments and questions.
You’re looking for tips and strategies for staying active with your kids at a time of year when it can be a temptation to curl up in a blanket and hit the couch.
I’ll have a lot more to stay about this in next week’s blog post, but you don’t have to wait that long. The social media team at Active for Life has been sharing all kinds of relevant articles on the blog and on social media—and they’ll be continuing to do so in the weeks ahead.
You’re looking for advice that takes into account the realities of parenting—like the fact that no parent on the planet has endless time and energy.
As Magali, a mother of four, put it, “By the time [the kids] are in bed, I am too tired to do anything but read or crochet!”
You’re looking for ideas for activities that can be enjoyed by parents and kids alike—as opposed to just one or the other—and that are suitable for kids of different ages.
Magali pointed out that it can be challenging to find an activity that’s equally appealing to a four year old and a nine-year-old, to say nothing of a forty-two year old parent as well!
Above all, you’re looking for support and encouragement from other parents: an opportunity to swap ideas and to cheer one another on as you all work at becoming more active in 2019.
Natasha told us, for example, that she’s hoping to join forces with other parents and kids for some face-to-face activities in the community: “Skiing, snowshoeing, hiking: we’d love to do this in a group with other families.”
One of the ways you’re choosing to offer one another that kind of support is by sharing fun and inspiring photos and videos.
You’ve also been very generous when it comes to passing along kind and encouraging advice. This comment from Sara, for example, really warmed my heart: “When it comes to being active especially every little thing adds up. So celebrate the minutes as well as the hours!” she said.
As you’ve probably gathered, we love to hear from you! Please let us know what’s working and what’s not and how we can support you in making the shift to becoming a more active family. And, just for the record, this is a 100% guilt-free community. You don’t have to be perfect and neither do your kids. We can all be gloriously imperfect together!