Resolutions of a non-sporty mom
In September I broadcast my intention to start the school year on the right foot with 12 back to school resolutions. My disclaimer was that it would be surprising if I was still following through with even half of them by December.
Well, here we are in December, and it turns out that I was right to think that 50% would be impressive.
In truth, I’ve followed through on about 30% and that’s probably being generous. I haven’t gotten a mark that low since grade nine math class (and if you knew how long it took me to calculate that percentage you’d understand why).
So before I completely slide down the slippery slope of self-condemnation let’s look at what went right.
One of my most important resolutions was to stop pushing our 5-year-old around in a stroller and instead have him start walking everywhere. Nailed it! I’m giving myself full marks for this one because I was consistent, but I also think it worked only because he was ready.
My other quasi-success story is that I did follow through on my goal to try something new, and that turned out to be tennis lessons. It took some courage because I live in a neighbourhood where the beginner class is filled with people that have been playing tennis for years and play 2-3 times a week.
But one morning after just a few lessons, I reached for my son’s shoe and suddenly felt as if a dart had been shot into my lower back. Sadly, my chiropractor said I’d need to sit the last couple of lessons out.
That concludes the (short) review of the resolutions I managed to keep. Now we move on to the “not so much” list.
Back in September, I resolved to go for walks with friends so I could stay in shape while catching up with them. In reality, it’s been hard to find the time.
Even though I still walk everywhere with the kids, I’m actually sitting more these days due to taking on more work; something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by my children.
All my work is done virtually and my husband is in the television business, so we’re both tied to screens by necessity. The kids are starting to see it as hypocritical when we talk about limiting screen time. I’m realizing how much we both need to show them an unwavering commitment to creating balance.
The rest of my resolutions had to do with organizing our lives so that things would run more efficiently. I feel that this is really where the rubber never met the road.
A common thread between my resolutions that didn’t get any traction is that they were all inspired by ideas, articles, and images found on Pinterest (if you don’t know what it is, check it out, but I warn you that it can be highly addictive).
For example, my plan to do a load of laundry every day sounds simple, but I really should have just resolved to fall asleep on the couch at 9 p.m. every night instead because I’m totally crushing that one.
Same thing with my resolution to start meal-planning; I still find myself firmly rooted in “last minute meal improvisation” territory. There is no DIY meal planner hanging on the wall, I don’t create daily themed bento box lunches, nor do I have a row of mason jar meals lined up in my fridge.
Pinterest, I’ve failed you.
At first I felt bad for not keeping all my resolutions. But then I adjusted my perspective to look at the big picture, which is this:
- We’ve come a long way from this time last year.
- The kids are doing well.
- They are happy.
- They have friends.
- They love school.
- They are active and learning new skills (earning karate belts, playing outside, climbing door frames, scootering, jumping and running just to name a few).
- They are growing.
- They are taking healthy risks and exploring their world.
- I am too.
- We support each other.
- We know that it’s okay to make mistakes and that there are lessons to be learned from them.
I’m not perfect and neither are they. But we all know perfect is only possible with smoke and mirrors anyway, right?
But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t keep trying to do better, so here are my 2013 resolutions:
- Take frequent breaks from sitting.
- Work on my core strength so I’m ready for spring tennis.
- Try different winter sports with the family.
This year I’m going to continue to focus on staying true to who I am, while I edge out of my comfort zone little by little and take the family along for the ride. That’s really the mama resolution. The others are her babies.
Best wishes to all, may you have health and happiness the whole year through, and may you have fun trying to achieve your own goals big and small. Thank you for going on this journey with me. It’s been a blast and I can’t wait to see what next year brings.
Great post! I love the “non-sporty” label you’ve given yourself. You bring a great perspective that a lot of parents can relate to.
Thanks Kim! That’s wonderful to hear.