Role Model spotlight: Holly LaRochelle
Holly LaRochelle, from The Inspired Home, is our Role Model in the spotlight this month. We get so much enjoyment from watching Holly be active outdoors (and also indoors) with her adorable children. She is committed to developing her kids’ physical literacy and to living life on her terms.
If you ever thought of moving out west and buying a farm, or just want to live vicariously through someone who’s done it, you’ll find Holly’s story inspiring. You can follow all her adventures on her new blog, The Wild and Free Family.
Q&A with Holly LaRochelle
AfL: What is your biggest fear?
Holly LaRochelle: Although I’m good with managed smart risks, I also am spontaneous. I worry about balancing risk between what’s appropriate for my 2- and 4-year-old versus gaining an adventure that also soothes my adventurous soul. This is an on-going challenge.
AfL: What is your proudest moment?
HL: When my son called me out to go mountain biking with him, and when he took a paddle to show and tell.
AfL: What is your favourite way to spend time with your family?
HL: We’re big fans of local adventures. We like to get outside in our backyard and neighbourhood, or anywhere we can get to within a day trip. Since moving on to our 12-acre farm, we spend a lot of time really getting to know the landscape around us. As a family, we skate, swim, hike, geocache, and explore. Also, we’re always trying new things, and exploring new places in Alberta.
AfL: What is your favourite season?
HL: I don’t really have a favourite season — there is a richness in every season! In the winter we go sledding, cross country skiing, and make snowmen. In the spring we break out the boots and squish mud, ride bikes, and plant seeds for delicious garden bounty. During the summer it’s climbing trees, swimming in lakes, geocaching, and camping and hiking. And for the fall we enjoy jumping in leaf piles, flashlight hikes, more hiking, and biking.
AfL: What is your favourite physical activity?
HL: I love to try new things — there are not many sports I haven’t tried. Usually you can find me tromping and hiking around with my border collie and geocaching. I’m getting back into skiing, which I did when I was younger, and gardening on the farm in spring and summer is definitely a whole body workout when you’re tending to half an acre of veggies! And my summer bucket list for this year includes SUP (stand up paddling).
AfL: Some other little known fact about you that you’d like to share?
HL: In my day job I work as a recreation coordinator for a local municipality. My work and play revolve around getting communities active. I feel that my perspective as a professional and a mom really makes me see the whole picture.
AfL: Please tell us in a few words why you’re excited to be an AfL Role Model.
HL: Active for Life’s philosophies and my own at work and play are the same. I’m passionate about getting kids to be more active so that their life expectancy will exceed our own. I have long used the lesson planning tools at AfL in my own volunteering and work at a grass roots level. I’m extremely proud to share my experiences to help inspire other parents that being active is really simple and easy to do. Being asked to be a role model with this organization that I’ve admired is an honour.
Join us in welcoming Holly to the Active for Life family and please say hello in the comments below.