

This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.

Kangaroo Hopping

Kangaroo Hopping

This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to imitate the movements of their parent or play partner.

Build your own physical literacy lesson plans

Build your own physical literacy lesson plans

As a teacher, do you want to help children develop physical literacy? Would you like an easy shortcut for creating your own lesson plans to do so? Luckily, there’s a range of excellent free resources available at Active for Life. One of the most useful is Active for Life’s (AfL) interactive online Lesson Plan Builder. While AfL’s pre-made … Continued

Shred Sirens keeping girls active for life through skateboarding

Shred Sirens keeping girls active for life through skateboarding

In partnership with the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) Recreation Department, the Shred Sirens is an all-female skateboarding group that runs out of Youth Centre in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. The group grew out of an existing beginner skateboard program run by the CBRM Recreation Department. It takes place year-round: in the summer month, at municipal skateboard parks across the community and in the … Continued

AfL playbook: 5 – 8 year olds

DOWNLOAD PLAYBOOK PDF Day 1: Hopscotch Skill: Hop 20 minutes This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing. More» Day 2: Underhand Catch Skill: Catch 15 minutes This activity develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor control, and the ability to track moving objects … Continued

AfL playbook: 3 – 5 year olds

DOWNLOAD PLAYBOOK PDF Day 1: Tightrope Skill: Balance 15 minutes This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to walk a straight line on a rope lying on the ground. More» Day 2: Mirror Mirror Skill: Agility, Balance, Hop, Jump, Run, Skip 10 minutes This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to … Continued

AfL playbook: 8 – 12 year olds

DOWNLOAD PLAYBOOK PDF Day 1: Bowling Milk Cartons Skill: Throw 30 minutes This activity develops coordination of arms and torso, fine motor control, and the ability to “read” distances. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve throwing an object accurately over a perceived distance (e.g., balls, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons). More» Day 2: … Continued

Try these sprinkler games for some cool summer fun

Try these sprinkler games for some cool summer fun

It’s summer! If you’re looking for the perfect ingredients for backyard fun, add a pinch of friends and family, a dash of laughter, a smidge of silly, a dab of imagination, and a sprinkle of … sprinklers! Sun and waterplay go together like lemonade and ice cubes. When the temperatures go up, kids love to … Continued

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