Move to Learn boosts reading and physical literacy for preschoolers
Pilot program has been offered in four Southern Ontario communities
Babies who don’t develop proper motor skills may suffer academically down the road
The important relationship between movement and cognition
How to support the “air traffic control system” of your child’s brain
Executive function is a set of mental skills that work like the air traffic control tower at a busy airport. It’s a key part of development in the early years.
Active play for preschoolers
Young children learn best when there is no direct “teaching” of skills
Why relationships are so important when building a child’s brain
Interactions with caring adults are considered to be “serve and return” relationships; they’re not one-directional, but imply mutual response and activity.
Active play experiences help young children develop physical literacy
“Active play” includes both structured and unstructured activities. Learn more about the role of play in children development.
Build your child’s brain by giving them lots of experiences to explore
Building your child’s brain is like building a house. Learn more about kids’ brain development and how you can help along the way.
AfL Mini-Games: How your kids can speed skate at home
Wear wool socks and learn to “glide” around the floor