This ad campaign seeks to empower women in soccer
We don’t sell commercial ad space on Active for Life, but once in a while, we recognize advertising campaigns that promote important messages. This is the case with the Visa ad campaign developed for the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, which started earlier this month. The campaign video shows a series of female soccer players … Continued

Nike’s FIFA Women’s World Cup ad encourages girls to dream big
Don’t change your dream. Change the world. That’s the messaging behind Nike’s newest ad, highlighting girls and the game of soccer. In the three-minute video, a young female player realizes her potential by running alongside the game’s biggest names. From shooting a video game cover with Brazil’s Andressa Alves to coaching alongside former English … Continued

How to get your daughter inspired by the FIFA Women’s World Cup
But role models are not enough to change the lives of Canadian girls

Josée Bélanger writes about game day excitement, playing at home … and private planes
The sights, sounds, and excitement from the thick of the action

For Josée Bélanger, playing soccer for Canada is a dream come true
Unconditional support from her parents helped make it happen