6 ways to encourage healthy sleep habits for the whole family
Sleep is foundational to activity and well-being
Book review: Better Than Before
Don’t fight your nature, make it work for you
10 tips for a long and healthy life from my 90-year-old grandmother
This nonagenarian’s sage advice can apply to all ages
Give yourself – and your kids – a minute to get active
A new study suggests the intensity of an activity matters more than the duration
You can get kids active even if you’ve only got 1 minute (or 10)
Breaking up activity into chunks still counts towards the recommended daily amount
9 things Dr. Mike says will help you and your kids be happier and live longer
Simple, straightforward tips you can use today!
10 things we learned at the Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children
The latest science, studies, and tools to address the issue of kids’ inactivity
Physical and health education curricula for all Canadian provinces
Guides to providing physical literacy and activity homework for your children
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