52 reasons to take a hike with your child
This year, my daughter and I set a goal: the 52 Hike Challenge. Every week, we’ll try to get out together in nature for a hike.

5 apps you can download to get kids active
While we’re big advocates of screen-free play time, these apps can offer a little extra enticement to coax reluctant kids to play outside.

Five tips to keep active while travelling
If you’re anything like us, you want your family to live an active lifestyle. Maybe you have a workout routine at the gym, register your kids in a few sports, or take advantage of the summer by biking, swimming, River Surfing, and hiking. But when it’s vacation time, it’s all too easy for healthy habits … Continued

8 ways to make hiking fun for little kids
Make hiking a fun outdoor activity for the whole family

How Olympic medalist Erin McLeod is motivating a nation
Inspirational stories that have motivated people to be their best

Role Model spotlight: Puneeta Chhitwal-Varma
Ways to make every day enjoyable and healthy

7 kid-friendly games to play on trail walks and nature hikes
Creative ideas to keep the momentum going

The Haliburton Highlands offer the perfect active family adventure
We visit Pinestone Resort, Bonnie View Inn, and Sir Sam’s

Role Model spotlight: Holly LaRochelle
This active mom and recreation professional keeps her family on the move