Walk or bike to school for happier, healthier kids
When the weather cooperates, it’s a good time to start thinking about how to get our kids to school. Recently, there’s been a significant push for active school travel (AST). Programs are popping up across Canada to identify routes and educate students and their parents on safe active transportation. In Alberta, Ever Active Schools has … Continued

6 ways kids should engage in “risky” play
Your child gets ready to jump from the monkey bars and you get ready for a trip to the hospital. Is this a reasonable reaction? Unless there’s a pit of poisonous serpents or a bed of nails below, probably not. As Dr. Mariana Brussoni of the University of British Columbia points out, statistics show that … Continued

5 expert tips to help children develop resilience
This past spring, revelations around the college admissions scandal in the U.S. drew attention to the efforts parents will make to ensure their children do not “fail.” While the elaborate system of bribery and corruption mostly concerned families of above-average means, it still led to broader discussion in the media around parents over-protecting and over-managing … Continued