This camp director is moving mountains to empower teenage girls—for free
Kim McMullen created Girl in the Wild to empower teenage girls, help them find their inner strength, and develop confidence.

Can technology help kids connect with nature?
Is there room in kids’ outdoor time for screens and apps? Learn how some Canadian programs are using tech to enhance experiences in nature.

Why some doctors are now prescribing outdoor time in nature
The director of a new B.C. program that prescribes nature time shares what people have to gain from time spent outdoors.

No backyard? Bring the outside in!
If the only access to outdoor space your family has is a balcony or shared patio, you can bring nature indoors with these great crafts, activities, and books.

10 nature activities you can do with kids
Besides bringing a sense of normalcy to this uncertain time, being outside and in the woods has a slew of physical and mental health benefits,

Inspire active, creative free play with natural playgrounds
In contrast to typical metal or plastic play structures, natural playgrounds are designed to take advantage of landscaping and organic materials.

Why natural playgrounds are essential for young children
These spaces offer valuable opportunities for the development of physical literacy and for experimentation.

Why kids need to play with mud, tires, fire, and junk
The Vivo Play Project gives kids the opportunity to let loose, play freely, and get dirty.

StoryWalk inspires families to get outside and read
StoryWalk combines storytelling and physical activity by placing laminated pages from picture books in public places.

Why free play outside should be a part of every PE program
Physical education doesn’t just happen in a gymnasium. I’m a big proponent of active free play outside during physical education (PE) class. In my PE classes, I plan for quite a lot of it when the weather allows. There are so many benefits of free play outside that cannot be replicated in the gymnasium. In most … Continued

If in doubt, let them out: kids have a right to play
November 20 marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Teachers: Take your kids outside (yes, during class time)
A growing number of teachers are now starting to look for ways to encourage kids to move more during class time, including taking their classes outdoors.

How to throw an active birthday beach party
Earlier this year, my wife and I wanted to plan an outdoor birthday party for our four-year-old. We decided to organize it at our local beach, Petrie Island, in Ottawa. We contacted Friends of Petrie Island, an organization responsible for educating the public about the importance of nature, preservation, and ecology. It also helps organize … Continued

Studies show spending time in nature can improve children’s attention spans
If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or struggles with focus, you’ll be happy to hear that a simple walk in your local park might be beneficial. CBC News recently reported that a review of hundreds of studies found time spent outdoors can result in improved attention span, self-discipline, and stress reduction. “Researchers also … Continued

How integrating outdoor play into the school day benefits children
Related read: 7 kid-friendly games to play on trail walks and nature hikes Outdoor programming in our pre-kindergarten classrooms At Edmonton Catholic Schools, physical literacy and outdoor programming are a priority for our 100 Voices children. Physical literacy encompasses physical, cognitive, social, and emotional wellness. At our Genesis School, this is fostered in a unique … Continued

Why this camp encourages child-led play in nature
On a summer afternoon, you might find four-year-olds digging in the mud with sticks while six-year-olds toss stones into a creek and eight-year-olds climb trees or build a fort. Welcome to the Into the Wild nature camp at WinSport’s Canada Olympic Park in Calgary, Alta., where unstructured, child-led, risky play is the name of the … Continued

How to help children connect with nature
We live in a world overflowing with technology. Cars talk to us, phones entertain us, houses are “smart,” and wristwatches monitor our vitals. Are we living in Brave New World or 1984? Whichever we imagine, one thing is certain: our attachment to technology strains our connection with nature. Staying connected to the natural world is … Continued

Use this toolkit to start a nature club for families
A toolkit developed by the Children and Nature Network helps you create a nature club for families.

Get hiking with your kids, even in Canada’s urban centres
Hiking provides opportunities to share great experiences with your kids

Explore the outdoors with your baby
Safe exploration builds physical literacy, confidence and curiosity

I was a mom to lion cubs in Africa
Developing physical literacy skills from a young age is vital to animals’ survival

Easy to find play activities in the outdoors
Opportunities for kids’ physical literacy and education abound out in the natural world

Dr. Vicki Harber: Why our children need nature
3. What is different about nature? The outdoors is generally an unpredictable movement and sensory environment, especially if you’re moving around trees in the forest, or where the terrain is less even and predictable. When children are allowed to move around in these environments and explore, it enhances a lot of the skills required to … Continued