5 fun and active trampoline games

5 fun and active trampoline games

With some creativity, trampolines can be used for a lot more than just jumping. Children love to leap, but when you add a variety of activities to the usual jump routine, kids will bounce their way to even more fun. Safety should always come first, so before your child gets hopping, keep these safety tips … Continued

Five tips to keep active while travelling

Five tips to keep active while travelling

If you’re anything like us, you want your family to live an active lifestyle. Maybe you have a workout routine at the gym, register your kids in a few sports, or take advantage of the summer by biking, swimming, River Surfing, and hiking. But when it’s vacation time, it’s all too easy for healthy habits … Continued

Gross motor skills and your child

Gross motor skills and your child

Research indicates that gross motor skills are a major predictor of a child’s school readiness. In essence they reflect “brain skills,” yet many parents and caregivers overlook their importance. When infants and toddlers move their arms, legs, and other large body parts with large muscle groups, they are developing their gross motor skills. However, studies … Continued

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