Ball hockey for toddlers activity

Ball Hockey for Toddlers


  • Small hockey sticks (wooden or plastic)
  • Plastic ball 8-10 cm diameter (e.g. street hockey ball)


  1. Create two small goals in your driveway, patio, or hard surface at a local park.
  2. Play a simple game of one-against-one hockey with your toddler.
  3. Allow your child to score goals for encouragement.


  • Show your child how to “stickhandle” the ball with small touches that change the ball direction
  • Create a big goal and act as goalkeeper so your child can attempt to score on you


This activity develops hand-eye coordination and timing while using a hockey stick (i.e., striking tool). These skills also transfer to striking with a bat or racquet.


  • Skill: Strike
  • 20 minutes
  • Suggested age: 2 - 4 years