Kangaroo Hopping

Kangaroo Hopping


  • Large outdoor space


  1. Talk with your preschool child about kangaroos. How do kangaroos move?
  2. Show your child how to hop like a kangaroo. Hands are held in front of chest with elbows bent.
  3. Practice hopping with your child. Make sure they take off with both feet and land with both feet, bending knees slightly when they land.
  4. Play “Follow the Leader” hopping like kangaroos.
  5. If there are trees and playground equipment present, you can hop around and between these obstacles.


  • If there are several children present, try having a kangaroo-hopping race


This activity develops dynamic balance, coordination, and rhythm required for activities at older ages such as running, skipping, hopping, and dancing.


  • Skill: Hop
  • 10 minutes
  • Suggested age: 3 - 10 years