Tag activity



  • Open outdoor space
  • Preferably a grass or non-slip surface
  • At least three players (e.g. one parent, two children)


  1. Define boundaries for the tag area (use trees, sidewalks, fences, other landmarks).
  2. Play tag with one person who is “it” and tries to tag another player.
  3. Make the area small enough that players cannot simply run away. It should be possible for the person who is “it” to corner one of the players.
  4. With the right size area, players are forced to move quickly side-to-side to “duck” the tag. This builds foot speed and agility.
  5. If a child has too much difficulty tagging someone, the adult should make the area smaller, or take a turn as the “it” person.


  • If you have several children playing, make the area larger to accommodate more players
  • In dry weather with non-abrasive surfaces, try playing “freeze tag” – players pretend to “freeze” solid when they are tagged – other players can unfreeze them by going through their legs or under one arm


This activity develops coordination of legs, arms and torso, plus dynamic balance and speed. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and speed (e.g., soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, racquet sports, martial arts, dance).


  • Skill: Agility
  • 10 minutes
  • Suggested age: 5 - 12 years