Why investing in active play in childcare is essential for children’s development
When we launched Active for Life (AfL), our mission was to empower parents to inspire a love of active play in their children. Why? Because children need to play and move for physical health and cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. Active play helps children explore, create, and collaborate, which is essential for developing resilience and managing stress and adversity. And as the Canadian Paediatric Association reminds us, outdoor play is great for their mental health.
However, after a few years, we realized that early childhood educators (ECEs) play a crucial role in giving children an active and healthy start in life. This meant diving into the childcare sector and understanding the demands and challenges ECEs face. Our work in the sector has led us to two key realizations:
- Quality early childhood education is critical.
- Active play is a powerful way to improve the quality of childcare.
And that’s why we’re launching a new program called ActivePlay in childcare: Empowering early childhood educators to give children a good start in life.
Quality early childhood education is critical
James Heckman, a Nobel Memorial Prize winner in economics and an expert in the economics of human development, created the “Heckman Curve,” which shows that investing in quality early childhood education is the most impactful period of education society can invest in. Through his research, Heckman realized that when you give preschool-age children the proper foundation of experiences and skills, you lay the foundation for success in school and a better life.
The positive benefits extend to parents and society at large. According to the Conference Board of Canada, “Expanding early childhood education in Canada would increase female labour market participation, improve child outcomes (especially for disadvantaged children), and reduce Canada’s income inequality.”
Even if quality childcare is a cornerstone for ALL children and a catalyst for growth and inclusivity, ECEs are often undervalued. A report from the Atkinson Centre highlights low compensation, a shortage of qualified ECEs, and the inability to retain educators within the sector as challenges.
Active play is a powerful way to improve the quality of childcare
When it comes to children, play is universally recognized as a powerful educational modality. The World Health Organization states that “Playing time is learning time.” UNICEF adds that play promotes children’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being. The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University specifies that play in early childhood helps children:
- Develop their brains
- Strengthen core life skills
- Reduce sources of stress
- Foster resilience
Play is so critical to the health and well-being of children that the United Nations enshrined it as a fundamental human right of all children.
From AfL’s perspective, if play is vital to children, active play is awesome, and we tested our belief. A study we co-funded measured the impact of adding active play to daily programming in childcare settings. As we anticipated, the children who took part showed an improvement in their fundamental movement skills, especially their fine motor skills like manipulating small objects.
And the benefits extended well beyond the children’s physical skills. The educators who received the professional development reported that when children engaged in active play and developed physical literacy, their behaviour improved. They were better able to regulate their emotions and calm themselves, and could concentrate on their tasks for longer. They also improved their social skills. They got better at problem-solving and communicating. These positive elements improve the early learning and childcare experience for children, but more importantly, also for the professionals tasked with caring for and educating our children.
In short, everybody wins when you empower ECEs to develop their competence and confidence in engaging young children in active play.
A new (and free) professional development program for childcare centres
Quality childhood education in childcare services is critical to children but can only occur if we support the ECEs tasked with educating our children. And this is why we recently launched ActivePlay in childcare. The main objective of our free program is to provide professional development to ECEs to enhance their confidence, competence, and motivation to integrate active play into their daily programming.
Our development team’s perspective empowers ECEs to integrate simple new habits, leading to positive outcomes for themselves and their children. Integrating active play into your life as an ECE will energize you, build confidence, and improve your emotional well-being.
“We designed this professional development program by focusing on the benefits to the educators,” says Angelina Mighty Osbourne, the project lead for ActivePlay in childcare. “Our intention is to support the professionals that educate our children. If the educator’s experience improves, the children do better, and everyone is happier.”
Let us know if you’re interested in participating
Until spring 2025, we plan to deliver our free program to 200 childcare centres and educational institutions in Ontario, Québec, and the Atlantic provinces. If our program succeeds in generating support, we’ll extend to centres across the country in the following phase.
If you’re an early childhood educator or the director of a childcare centre and want to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your skills, have a lasting impact on the children, and improve your work experience, let us know by signing up to be updated on if or when this professional development program will be accessible in your area. This is not a newsletter; we promise you’ll only receive timely updates to keep you informed about our free program.
If you’re a parent with children, please share this information with your local childcare centre.
We can build a healthier, more inclusive society for all children.
I am a Child Care Consultant in Iowa. I so enjoy receiving your Active For Life newsletter. Many times, I have adapted your information and passed it on to child care centers. I do so hope at some point your Active Play for ChildCare will be available widespread.