10 fun ways to add activity to your Easter

10 fun ways to add activity to your Easter

Easter is almost here, so why not hop to it and figure out a way to get the kids active over the holidays? Short of simply hiding the eggs really, really far apart from each other, here are some fun ways to add some activity to your Easter:

1. Egg rolling

Do you know what an egg roll is? No, not that crispy appetizer at a Chinese restaurant. This other kind of egg roll is an Easter tradition that’s different from culture to culture and family to family.

A number of years ago a Scottish friend introduced my family to his version and we try to include it in our Easter festivities whenever we can. Simply boil a bunch of eggs, have fun decorating them, then pack them up and bring them to a park with a big hill. From the top of the hill, players can take turns rolling their eggs down. The egg that travels the furthest wins. We tend to invent rules as we go, so there’s always lots of running (and rolling) up and down the hill.

2. Switch things up

Have you ever heard of a reverse Easter egg hunt? Neither had I. But I can pretty much guarantee my kids would love running all over a park or the backyard to find little bits of nature to fill their eggs. Making sure, of course, that all the things we talk about collecting are safe for them to gather, and returning things once we’re done.

3. Active egg hunt

With older kids, a classic egg hunt might be activity enough if you challenge them with finishing times, quantities collected, or even make it a race. Obviously, only you know if your kids are ready to handle a little friendly competition, and if they are, it’s a great way to intensify the egg hunt.

4. Bunny hop

Have a dance party. Whether you’re at a big family gathering or it’s just you and your kids, there’s nothing like some good old-fashioned dancing. Turn on some favourite tunes and everyone can show off their best moves. And if you really want to include that famous rabbit-y dance? Well, this tutorial will tell you, step-by-step, exactly how to do the Bunny Hop.

Related read: 11 active ways to celebrate Easter at home

5. Leapfrog/bunny game

Leapfrog is always a fun family game. Pretending to be bunnies instead of frogs makes it perfect for Easter.

6. Animal friends

Even little toddlers can get in on the Easter fun with our animal activity. Have them pretend to be some of their favourite spring animals (chicks, bunnies, and ducklings come to mind) and they’ll soon be peeping, hopping, waddling, and quacking their way along the road to developing physical literacy.

7. Obstacle course/relay race

Set up a simple obstacle course in the backyard or even the living room and give it a fun Easter theme. Lots of hopping, eggs on spoons, egg throwing and catching, and maybe even some bowling with a hard-boiled egg to knock over the pins.

8. Community egg hunt outdoors

Have a community egg hunt outdoors. Here’s one simple way to do it.

9. Pack your gear

When you’re headed to a family dinner, pack the baseball gloves or a soccer ball. Then, when kids are getting antsy waiting for dinner to start, head to the nearest park. All those Easter goodies can lead to quite the sugar rush, so kids and adults alike will probably welcome the chance to run around and play together. It’s also a great way for kids who don’t see each other often to break the ice.

10. Have an Easter parade

Toddlers and preschoolers will love putting on their Easter bonnets, making fancy signs, decorating their ride-on toys, and walking, marching, riding, and scooting down the street for a neighbourhood Easter parade.

And there it is: An active Easter is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.

12 responses to “10 fun ways to add activity to your Easter

  1. Hi
    Your Easter games are the best….especially all the outdoors ones to get them outside while dinner is being set up!!
    For the soccer ball…try a game of SPUD.
    Tons of laughs.

  2. Stephanie, thanks for these great tips! Shame that I found this article only now. My kids kept me quite busy this Easter. I’ll definitely use some of these next year. – Nicky

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