A love letter to my stroller
Dear stroller,
This shout-out is long overdue. The truth is, you really helped me through the ruts and bumps of being a new parent.
When I was feeling cooped up with the baby, you made it possible for me to leave the house and get some much-needed fresh air. You and I have covered long distances together—although there were days when just making it around the block was a major achievement.
Many times, we’d venture out on our own, but we’d occasionally invite another parent & tot pair to join us. Some days, my little passenger would be content or even asleep (a rare miracle). The more challenging days featured a potent combination of fussing and squirming. Either way, at least we were moving.
Indoors and outdoors, you were an all-terrain vehicle. You steered smoothly through malls, grocery stores, and community centres. Undeterred by less-than-perfect weather, you slogged through puddles, wet grass, snow, leaves, dirt and gravel. If you could talk, I imagine you’d shrug and respond: “That’s how I roll.”
Being home with a little one can get monotonous and a bit lonely. By heading out with you, I was able to successfully participate in the outside world when I needed it most. The usual sights of the neighbourhood—houses, trees, dogs, and other people—were fascinating to my toddler. And for me, the change of scenery and physical activity certainly improved my mental and physical health. A stroller walk day was always better than a non-stroller one.
You had everything we needed for the journey. I must have buckled and unbuckled those safety straps thousands of times. Thank you for your snack tray, cup holders, storage basket, and adjustable cover to shield my little one from the elements. Your wheels were consistently stable and self-assured, even when my sleep-deprived brain was not.
But I also want to say sorry. I’m sorry if I yanked on your handle too hard or shoved you roughly in the trunk while packing you up. I apologize for the cracker crumbs and raisins that are permanently wedged in the crevices of your cushions.
I’m sure I took you for granted at times, which is why I want to thank you now. Thank you for helping me move forward and navigate the new experience of being a parent.
Day in and day out, I couldn’t have done it without you.
A grateful parent
Need some inspiration for your next stroller walk? Print off our Stroller Bingo card and see how many boxes you can check!

Further reading:
How being active helped me recover from postpartum depression
Keep your baby moving and clapping with these 17 song and game ideas
From housebound to adventurous: 6 ways to get moving with your baby