Quiz for dad: Are you an active role model?

Quiz for dad: Are you an active role model?

The roles of dads have changed a lot over the past 30 years. For starters, today’s dads are expected to be active parents like never before.

And if we consider “active” in the literal sense, this means that dads play a key role in being physically active role models for their kids.

Many of us may not have had dads who were physically active or played with us when we were children. As a consequence, we may have lacked some skills and confidence to participate in gym class at school, play with kids in the neighborhood, or just ride our bicycle on our own as we were growing up.

Are you an active dad with your kids? Are you a role model for physical activity? Here’s your chance to find out with our Active Role Model Dad quiz.

Answer each question below as True or False. When you are done, you will be able to calculate a score.

  1. I am active at least two hours per week in a sport or physical activity (e.g., golf, soccer, tennis, swimming, running, hiking, dance), and my children are aware that I am physically active.
  2. I do physical activity or physical play with my pre-school and/or school-age children at least one day per week for at least 30 minutes.
  3. I do physical activity or physical play with my pre-school and/or school-age children at least two days per week for at least 30 minutes each day.
  4. I do physical activity or physical play with my pre-school and/or school-age children at least three days per week for at least 30 minutes each day.
  5. I basically don’t do any physical activity or physical play with my pre-school and/or school-age children. I rely on their friends, school, and programmed activities at a local sports club or recreation centre.

Add up your score

For every “True” answer in questions 1-4, give yourself five points. (Note that it is possible to answer “True” to each of questions 2, 3, and 4.) Give yourself zero points for each question where you answered “False”.

If you answered “True” to question 5, give yourself zero points for that question. If you answered “False”, give yourself five points for that question.

The moment of truth

Are you an Active Role Model Dad? Add up the points from your five answers above.

If you scored 20-25 points:

You are a very Active Role Model Dad and you are inspiring your kids towards a lifetime of being physically active.

If you scored 10-15 points:

You are a somewhat Active Role Model Dad and your kids are benefitting from your example.

If you scored 5-10 points:

You might want to reflect on your relationship with physical activity and the example you set for your kids. Your kids are not getting the message when they look at you.

If you scored 0-5 points:

You might in fact have difficult circumstances in your life that prevent you from being physically active with your kids or even on your own. (For example, perhaps you have to work two jobs just to support your family.) If that is the case, you can’t be blamed for not having time to be an active role model.

But if you scored 0-5 points, and you are generally home with your kids for 3-4 hours each day, you can probably find ways to be more of a role model.

Take a minute to look at the activities on this website. There are dozens of fun activities that you can do easily at home or at your local park with zero to minimal cost. Make the effort to be active with your kids, and you will be giving them memories and habits that will enrich their lives for decades to come.

Happy Father’s Day!

Active dads = active kids

Children of active dads are 3.5 times more likely to be active. When both parents are active, children are 5.8x more likely to be active. (Boston University School of Medicine study, 1991)

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