
Vietnamese resources for promoting physical literacy

At Active for Life we strive to promote physical literacy as much as possible, in many languages. In fact, some of our most popular printable resources are available in Vietnamese. These free resources are designed to help children and families to be more active today, so they can be active for life.

Whether you’re educating parents on the concept of physical literacy for the first time, need quick and easy activities for kids, or even want to encourage families to get outside during all seasons, we have a variety of free, colourful printable resources available.

On this page you will find all of our Vietnamese translations of resources promoting physical literacy.


Infographic poster
What is physical literacy? If you are educating parents on the concept for the first time, it can be tricky to communicate some of the nuances. This colourful infographic summarizes a lot of complex ideas into a simple format that parents will understand. You can download the infographic and print it as a poster or handout.

Recipe for an Active Day

Recipe for an Active Day
If you or your kids are trying to figure out ways to be active each day, here are some quick, simple ideas that require little or no equipment. Print out our Recipe for an Active Day, then share it with your kids and get them thinking about moving their bodies each day.

Multisport poster

For most sports and physical activities, kids should avoid specializing too early. In fact, they should try as many different sports and activities as possible before their teen years. You can help parents and coaches understand the benefits of multisport for kids by downloading this fun and informative poster.

Fortune teller

For school age kids, download and print this fortune teller, a favourite playground game, that gets kids practicing some of the fundamental movements that create the foundation for physical literacy. But don’t worry, they won’t realize that’s what they’re doing because they’ll be too busy having a blast with their friends (hint: you can try it too … how’s your physical literacy?).

Activity Dice

Help kids to develop their fundamental movement skills using this activity dice. Simply print, cut, fold, and glue or tape into a cube, then roll for an active challenge. It’s a perfect game for promoting fun and physical literacy in minutes.

Sensory Scavenger Hunt

This fun activity weaves together all seven of your child’s senses. Look for things outdoors to smell, hear, see, touch, and taste and playfully move around to find them.

Spring Activities Scavenger Hunt

Spring activities scavenger hunt poster
Download and print this fun spring scavenger hunt so that you have it on hand the next time you and your child go outside to visit a park, nature trail, or your backyard. There are 25 separate activities to help you enjoy the outdoors this season.

Winter Activities Scavenger Hunt

Winter activities scavenger hunt poster
Get children into the outdoors in winter. Use this list to search for wintry items and move with imagination over snow and ice.

Fall Activities Scavenger Hunt

Fall activities scavenger hunt poster
Get children into the outdoors in autumn. Use this list to search for fall items and move with imagination outdoors.

How to dress kids for winter

How to dress kids for winter poster
Kids need to be active outdoors in all seasons, including the winter. Unfortunately the Canadian winter can be very uncomfortable if kids aren’t dressed right for the weather. This simple poster shows how to dress correctly and stay safe while being active outdoors in the snow and ice.

Lifeguard parent poster

It’s good to let children test their limits during play. Being a lifeguard parent means providing vigilant care, a parenting approach that allows children to develop understanding of risk and the confidence to manage it.

Day planner

Day planner
When school’s not in session, kids’ routines go out the window. This printable day planner helps kids to organize their days so they don’t get bored, forget important tasks, or spend too much time on screen devices.

Perfect circle posters

The development of physical literacy is a circular process, and it happens in a range of environments through a variety of physical activities. These posters are designed to share that message in schools, recreation centres, and health offices.