Studies show regular exercise will help you live longer
Want to live as long as an Olympian? Just keep moving
Developing physical literacy gives kids the skills to be physically active. And kids who are physically active are healthier, happier, and more successful. Research proves it.
At Active for Life, we believe in providing parents with science-based resources so that they can make informed decisions about the well-being of their child.
From better mental health to success in school, active kids benefit in more ways than one. Check out these articles and the studies that motivate us!
Want to live as long as an Olympian? Just keep moving
Outdoor play and activity improves learning
Kids increase daily activity when their parents do too
Research links lack of free play to depression
5 factors that limit free play today
Balance of moving, sleeping, and sitting needed for healthy growth and development
Another benefit of time spent outdoors being physically active
Walking or biking to school can help kids concentrate better
Mixing exercise with math and science nets better grades
Exercise trains both body and mind
Better health, relationships, and scholastic performance
Developing a balanced, holistic approach
Ever have one of those days where no toy is good enough, and you think you’ll lose it if you hear the “B” word (bored) one more time? Before you start uttering some choice words yourself, try this simple solution: get outside. It works every time, and not just on kids; many a lazy Sunday … Continued