Share our physical literacy lesson plans with daycares and summer camps
Do you have kids in day camp this summer? Or enrolled in daycare? Here’s a chance to promote physical literacy for them and their friends.
New this month, Active for Life has prepared five special lesson plans for teaching fundamental movement skills.
Each lesson plan provides a series of fun games that develop early skills in running, jumping, throwing, catching, kicking, hopping, and more. The lessons are carefully laid out and easy to use.
We’re confident they will be a big hit for camp and activity leaders this summer!
How can these benefit your child? Simply print our new lesson plans on your printer and give them to your child’s daycare provider or camp leader.
You can tell them that you are keen on children’s physical literacy, and that you think these lesson plans may provide some extra fun for all of the kids in the camp or daycare!
Most teachers and activity leaders will tell you that they welcome fresh ideas and resources whenever they are available, so don’t be shy.
Here’s to a long hot summer full of physical literacy fun!