Get kids moving with 8 active nights of Hanukkah

Get kids moving with 8 active nights of Hanukkah

It’s almost Hanukkah! And we’ve got a fun way for you to squeeze in some active family time this holiday season.

It’s our 8 Active Nights of Hanukkah printable!


Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season – the latke-making (and eating!), the lighting of the Hanukkia each night, the dreidel spinning – our fun printable will get your kids active every night of the celebration (give them out either instead of, or in addition to, nightly presents for a fun twist on an old tradition).

Simply print out our sheet of activities and you’ll be almost done. Don’t worry if some of our suggestions won’t work for your family. We’ve given you extras to choose from, and even some blank spaces to make your own. Just cut out your eight favourite activities and see if your kids can do one each day of Hanukkah.

Happy festival of lights … and activity!

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