How to outplay a bully
My son chose How to Outplay a Bully because it had hockey players on the cover and we’re really glad he did. It was a terrific book to read with both our son and daughter, who are aged four and seven.
Hockey is the backdrop but as the main character, Tony, tries to deal with being bullied by a member of his hockey team, it is clear that the lessons he learns about attitude, sportsmanship and teamwork will serve him well on and off the ice.
It spawned some great conversations in our house about being a bystander and why some kids bully, a subject that seems to be coming up more often now that our daughter is in grade one.
How to Outplay a Bully
Author: Nancy Wilcox Richards
Published by: Scholastic
Pages: 80
Format: Softcover
Price: $5.99
We also enjoyed the fact that the book is Canadian, subtly multicultural and sensitive to different family and financial situations.
I would recommend this book to be read to kids from ages four and up. Kids from seven to ten can read this on their own.
We love this series of books!
There needs to be more like this for boys.
Hi Cathy, are the others in the series about hockey too?