
The printables below link to a PDF version that you can download, print or share.

Games and activities that get kids moving.

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Get kids active indoors and outdoors with fun searches.

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Simple ideas to get kids active with little or no equipment.

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Things for adults to try, learn and explore.

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Posters sharing the importance of physical literacy and physical activity.

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The development of physical literacy is a circular process, and it happens in a range of environments through a variety of physical activities. Download all eighteen posters or choose your favorite(s) below.

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Translated versions available!

Physical activity is key to the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our children. That’s why we offer free resources in many languages beyond English and French. In fact, most of our popular printable resources have been translated into up to 12 languages. They're designed to help all children and families be more active today, so they can be active for life.