Role Model spotlight: Jennifer Pinarski

Role Model spotlight: Jennifer Pinarski

Active for Life is very proud of the team of Role Models that we’ve assembled, each one sharing a love of physical activity and promoting the importance of physical literacy in their communities. Every month we’ll choose one of the amazing members of the team and profile them on our site. To kick off this feature we would like to introduce you to Jennifer Pinarski, a mom, runner, cyclist, writer, voice of reason, and all-around awesome person. Jennifer has been doing some incredible work for Active for Life ever since joining the Role Model team and we couldn’t be prouder to have her on-board.

Jennifer is a great Role Model because she lives and breathes Active or Life’s values and is dedicated to giving her children the right start with physical literacy. When she took over the AfL Instagram account in August we got a glimpse into her family’s active, outdoor lifestyle, and we love how she inspires parents to play with their kids, no matter what the weather.

Q&A with Jennifer Pinarski

AfL: What’s your favourite way to spend time with your family?

JP: We are all happiest exploring overgrown trails or rugged natural areas. Finding new plants, climbing trees, and getting dirty is our favourite way to bond.

AfL: What’s your favourite season to play outdoors with your kids and what do you like to do when you’re out there?

JP: Hands down it’s winter! Getting kids (and adults!) motivated to go outdoors in pleasant weather is easy, but too many families hibernate when sub-zero temperatures hit. Other than the standard snowball fights and sledding, we like taking our favourite summer activities like soccer and tree climbing, and adapt it for the winter. This past winter I tried fat biking and snowshoe racing, both sports my kids are eager to try this year.

AfL: What’s your own personal favourite physical activity?

JP: Road cycling!

AfL: What is your biggest fear?

JP: As a family of avid and budding cyclists, my biggest fear is distracted drivers. It really just takes a second for a driver to lose their focus and cause injury. I’m adamant about teaching my kids the rules of safe cycling, but the truth is, we all need to be aware of what’s going on around us.

AfL: What has been your proudest moment?

JP: I’ve completed a lot of tough races that I could say are big deals to me, but seeing my kids learn to master swimming and cycling are both moments I’ll never forget. I’m so proud of their determination and grit.

AfL: Care to share a little known fact about yourself?

JP: As a kid, I was never very athletic and I also had Osgood-Schlatter disease (still have a huge bony lump on my left leg!). I wasn’t a fast runner, I flunked several swimming lessons, and never made the school sports teams. I didn’t take up running, cycling, or swimming until I was in my late 20s. I think sometimes parents don’t believe that they can be athletic after having children, when really it’s the most important time.

AfL: Please tell us in a few words why you’re excited to be an AfL Role Model.

JP: AfL is an organization I’ve long admired for their commitment to getting families active and healthy because it’s a passion I share as well.

Join us in welcoming Jennifer to the Active for Life family and please say hello in the comments below.

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