Gross motor skills and your child

Gross motor skills and your child

Research indicates that gross motor skills are a major predictor of a child’s school readiness. In essence they reflect “brain skills,” yet many parents and caregivers overlook their importance. When infants and toddlers move their arms, legs, and other large body parts with large muscle groups, they are developing their gross motor skills. However, studies … Continued

A library for active living and learning

A library for active living and learning

Exciting new things are happening in libraries around the world. They’re no longer just spaces where people go to read and study. Now, libraries are hosting everyone from babies to seniors with free and inclusive programming. From story time to chess clubs, music lessons to job searching, dancing to computer lessons, and knitting to teen … Continued

Everything gets Better with ParticipACTION

Everything gets Better with ParticipACTION

It’s challenging for families to find time to be active together, so Active for Life and ParticipACTION are making it easier. Families will find Recipe for an Active Year an excellent source of ideas for family activities throughout the four seasons. Most people think physical activity is just about losing weight and looking good at the … Continued

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