Physical education teachers make a difference in schools
Specialized PE can help children develop physical literacy and a love for physical activity

Why Finland’s children are so successful
A model for achievement we should all look at

15 things to remember when you’re watching your child play soccer, or any other sport
Ensuring that everyone enjoys a fun, positive experience at the game

6 reasons you should roughhouse with your kids
Roughhousing shouldn’t be avoided, as it benefits most areas of your child’s development

3 ways to keep your child active this summer
Parents play a big role in their child’s activity levels

4 reasons sweating is good for your kids
They include flushing toxins and boosting the immune system

Dismal report card for Canadian kids activity levels and what you can do about it
Despite alarmingly low scores, you can do plenty to improve your child’s physical activity levels

Hockey’s lighter side: No apple juice, please
Youth sports should be about enjoying the experience

7 ways dads influence their active kids
Dad’s involvement often determines whether a child is active or not, and to what degree

Do your kids a favour: Give them opportunities to fail
By learning to persevere now, kids will find success later

3 ways we hinder our kids’ physical literacy
Risk more, rescue less, and rave about the things your child can control

Physical education teachers go missing
Rising inactivity and increasing obesity levels make school PE programs more important than ever