Module One: The core story

This is the first of three webinars presented by Dr. Dawne Clark of the Early Years Physical Literacy Research Team to provide an overview of selected modules from the online Child and Youth Brain Development course. These materials are shared with permission from Alberta Family Wellness Initiative.


  • The structure of the brain – brain architecture
  • The core story of early brain development
    • Building a child’s brain is like building a house
    • Experience builds brains
    • Serve and return relationships
    • Executive function – air traffic control centre

The audio for the webinar is recorded in segments. Open the slides below and click on the audio segments as you work through the slides. Click on selected video windows on the slides as prompted.

Active for LIfe’s Early Childhood Education page is intended to help parents and educators understand the importance of developing physical literacy during the early years. Check back often to see the new articles and resources as they are added.

Webinar audio