Activities to improve babies’ and young children’s physical literacy are easy to plan, simple to do, and require no special equipment. When early childhood educators (ECEs) and parents include lots of time for physically active play — especially outdoors — in their daily routines, children are healthier, happier, and better behaved.

In this video, researchers, educators, and parents share their opinion on AfL’s Physical Literacy Proof of Concept Study in Child Care Settings. The study group that received physical literacy programming demonstrated a wide range of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical benefits for children, educators, and parents.

Read the articles on this page to learn more about what the research says about the impact of physical literacy programming in early childhood education, and discover some simple strategies to ensure children get lots of time for active play, every day.

Early brain development webinar series

This is a series webinars (3) presented by Dr. Dawne Clark of the Early Years Physical literacy Research Team. The webinar provides an overview of selected modules from the online Child and Out Brain Development course, and are used with permission from the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative. Webinar #1: The Core Story   Webinar #2: The impact of … Continued

How integrating outdoor play into the school day benefits children

Related read: 7 kid-friendly games to play on trail walks and nature hikes Outdoor programming in our pre-kindergarten classrooms At Edmonton Catholic Schools, physical literacy and outdoor programming are a priority for our 100 Voices children. Physical literacy encompasses physical, cognitive, social, and emotional wellness. At our Genesis School, this is fostered in a unique … Continued

Regulating a child’s emotions through soccer

Ready, Aim, Kick! to the rescue One particularly difficult day, we tried an activity called Ready, Aim, Kick! (see Activity #6) from the APPLE Seeds program. This robust program introduces physical literacy skills in a sequential way within everyday play. Ready, Aim, Kick! involves playing kicking games using targets and a variety of materials, including pylons, … Continued

AfL playbook: 3 – 5 year olds

DOWNLOAD PLAYBOOK PDF Day 1: Tightrope Skill: Balance 15 minutes This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to walk a straight line on a rope lying on the ground. More» Day 2: Mirror Mirror Skill: Agility, Balance, Hop, Jump, Run, Skip 10 minutes This activity develops coordination and balance as kids try to … Continued

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