
Our most-read articles of 2021

Way back in January, it would have been hard to find someone who could predict the way 2021 was going to end up. But while it’s been a year of some pretty tough times, it’s also been another year of the best of people: We’ve come together to support one another, found ways to lift our spirits, and looked for small joys and celebrations wherever we could get them.

And that positivity is reflected in the articles that resonated with our readers this year. From articles on the topic of play to games and Lego and even healthy snacks, here are eight memorable articles that our readers liked, shared, and read this year.

If you have a favourite article, please post the link in the comments. We’d love to read your picks!


29 fun games to play in the snow

There’s so much more to do in the snow besides building snowmen or making snow angels. Check out all of these creative ideas!


10 Lego games to get kids moving

Turns out, Lego isn’t just for sitting and building—it’s super fun to incorporate into active play too. Here’s how.


Why tweens and teens drop out of sports—and what to do about it

Almost 70 percent of kids over the age of 12 don’t meet the minimum recommended healthy movement guidelines, and girls are half as likely as boys to remain active into their teen years. But why are so many kids dropping out of sport early in their teenage years? Here are some reasons, and what you can to do about it. 


How martial arts can have a big impact on kids with autism

The inherent structure and repetition in martial arts can help reduce anxiety in kids as they focus on individual goals and develop movement skills such as balance, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination. Read more about the benefit of martial arts and where to find Canadian schools offering adapted programs.


200+ activities you can do with kids at home

This is one of our most epic activity articles! These ideas are sure to keep your kids active all the way into the new year.


30 healthy snacks for active kids

If your kids always on the go, these nutritious and delicious snacks will help fuel them in all that they do. Especially now that they’re home for the holiday break!


9 low-cost sports: Keep your kids moving without breaking the bank

There are many sports and activities that cost the proverbial arm and a leg. But there are also many sports that require little to no equipment and the whole family can play together. They’re a win for fun and for your wallet. Here are just a few.


25 ways to have big fun in small spaces

Small spaces don’t have to equal small fun! Grab your kids and get moving with this list of activities kids can do on their own or with others.

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