Get in on the action with The Wow! Factor
Everyone can use an injection of positive action in their day. So says Marg Wallis-Duffy, owner of Wallis for Wellness health clinic and founder of healthy living web channel, WOW!TV. She’s also (this is so cool) the creator of flash-mob random acts of wellness. She’s a one-woman health revolution!
And she’s a passionate advocate for physical literacy. Check out the e-learning module which includes a few primers in collaboration with sport and recreation consultant Fern McCracken and “Youth Fitness Guy” David Kittner.
Fern and David offer insights and tips on how you can help your kids develop physical literacy. Watch how your 1-year old can start learning prediction — a skill she’ll use later in sports like baseball, soccer, and football — by playing with bubbles. Or how your teenagers can have fun practicing running and throwing with a hula-hoop and a tennis ball.
As Fern explains, kids don’t become physically literate just by horsing around and being kids. They also need to be taught how to move by learning different activities in all sorts of environments. As their physical literacy develops so will their confidence in trying new activities — which means they’ll be far more likely to be active for life.
We love to see dedicated professionals like Marg, David, and Fern spreading the word about physical literacy and working hard every day to help all of us raise a generation of active kids.
And seriously, wouldn’t you like to see wellness flash mobs popping up in your city or town?