This sports documentary is a reminder, and possibly even a wake-up call, for parents and coaches
A new sports documentary shines a light on early sport specialization and the dangers and drawbacks it has for our kids.

Multi-sport school festivals vs. single-sport tournaments
As educators, it’s important to ensure children are introduced to physical literacy. Providing a variety of movement opportunities in as many different environments as possible inspires children to be active now and hopefully for life. In February, staff at École élémentaire publique Jeanne-Sauvé in Orleans, Ont. along with P.E. teachers from three other schools in … Continued

Multisport programs are thriving in Nova Scotia
Multisport programs are spreading across Canada

Is Canadian hockey progressing for the better… or the worse?
Speed, skills, and fun are now the new normal

5 tips for coaching multi-sport kids
Multi-sport helps kids develop multiple skills

Making multi-sport a reality requires us to move from words to action
It’s time to stop debating who is responsible for making multi-sport programming a priority for kids under the age of 8. Here’s a list of actions we can all take.

Play Sports Alberta combines multi-sport and summer fun
Multi-sport camps keep the focus on fun

The multi-sport approach: Download and share our posters!
Learn how different sports help each other

Yes, we know. Multi-sport is a desirable concept, just not a reality… yet
How to make multi-sport the new normal

The Arena podcast tackles the topic of multi-sport benefits
Listen to AfL’s Richard Monette on the multi-sport approach

Hockey Canada president suggests kids take a break from hockey this summer
Change it up and play other sports for a few months

How a small Vermont town promotes fun and develops top athletes
A small town’s secret to happiness and excellence

NBA and USA Basketball promote multi-sport approach for kids
New guidelines for basketball players, parents, and leagues

Multi-sport initiative brings together Canada’s top national sport organizations
Check out the new multi-sport website

Norway’s egalitarian approach helps them dominate Winter Olympics
Unique sports programming gives Norway an edge

Playing different sports and activities is best for physical development
Study shows the multi-sport approach builds physical literacy

Serena Williams’ advice to her daughter and all girls
Tennis star’s new ad sends powerful message to all girls

Can you guess the one thing that most elite athletes have in common?
Here’s a hint: it’s not single sport specialization

New Calgary program aims to give more kids access to multi-sport fun
Kids can try new sports for free during and after school

Fun with biking and tennis at TAC Sports camp
Kids learn lots of new sports at this Toronto day camp

Toronto hosts North American Indigenous Games this month
Indigenous youth from Canada and the U.S. compete in 14 sports

Multisport training helps Vancouver swim team be better athletes
Multisport training can help you excel in your sport of choice

AfL Role Model Glen Mulcahy teaches kids to have a passion for activity
AfL Role Model Glen Mulcahy is on a mission to keep kids active for life

Girls’ activity journal returns to Winnipeg for summer 2017
The Fitness Journal for Girls in Winnipeg is back for 2017. It’s a great way to encourage physical activity and physical literacy through promotional coupons and prizes.